Registry Error Fix ModemHelp.Net Recommends: Click here to run a Free driver update scan

Error 691

1.  Verify Username and Password. Make sure you are using the correct auth scheme (most often clear text if dialing into a reg ISP).

2.  Make certain that you are dialing the correct ISDN number and that it does not contain illegal characters. Is it a local call? If not, verify that the user is certain that they have clear channel Long Distance service.

3.  Verify that the user's account is setup for ISDN. (ISP/auth end)

4.  Verify the POP isn't down and that it is accepting ISDN connections

5.  Verify the ISDN Router / T/A's settings (SPIDs, etc)

This page was last modified on Tuesday, 17-Jul-2007 17:55:10 EDT.

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